General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679 of the European Union
We would like to inform you about the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) of the European Union (EU), which aims to enhance the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data. The New General Regulation shall replace the Directive 95/46/EU which was applied via law 138(I)/2001.
The GDPR comes into effect in Cyprus and the rest of the European Union Countries on 25th May 2018 and as a consequence we have developed and established our updated Data Protection Procedures to reflect the changes brought about by the GDPR and provide, amongst others, the following information:
- What personal data we may collect or otherwise process about you,
- Why do we need to collect or otherwise process your personal data and the lawfulness of our actions,
- How we protect your personal data,
- The third parties we may share your personal data with,
- Your rights under the GDPR and how to exercise them.
All correspondence files and records (other than statutory corporate records) and all information and data held by us on our computers/servers are the sole property of ours and you shall have no right of access thereto or control there over, however you shall be free to request by written instructions, details of your personal information data held by us, you may demand the correction of any wrong or inaccurate information in our data records and ask for any copies of data maintained by us which you or any authorized representative of yours have furnished us with.
The maintenance, use storage, use etc. of personal data shall be kept by us to the extent and as long as the relevant law/s or any regulation/s provide. Should any law require the keeping and maintenance of certain date for a longer period of time we undertake to arbitrarily or on your request remove from our data system upon the lapse of the period provided by the GDPR, data relating to you which may be irrelevant or unnecessary for keeping for the purposes of compliance with any such law/s or regulation/s.
Any complaints you may have with regards to any violation of your rights under the GDPR may be lodged with the relevant supervisory authority.
If you should wish to have your name and address removed from our specific purposes mailing list, you should provide us with clear Instructions in this respect. However, in such a case we shall not be held liable and you hereby relieve us of any liability with respect to any information of essence which may not reach you.
We remain at your disposal for any clarification on the above, whilst we assure you that our firm is aiming to be duly compliant with the GDPR and other laws/regulations/directives in force.
Our Data Protection policy is available at our offices.